Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Hamas's Men of Peace

Hamas accepts 1967 borders, but will never recognize Israel, top official says

So Hamas goes on record again "accepting" a two-state solution. The Norman Finkelstein's of this world will be delighted and point to this as proof that Hamas wants peace more than Israel. What Mahmoud Zahar said:

Hamas would be willing to accept a Palestinian state within 1967 borders, a leader of the militant group, Mahmoud Zahar, told the Palestinian news agency Ma'an on Wednesday, adding, however, that Hamas would never recognize Israel since such a move would counter the group's aim to "liberate" all of Palestine.


Speaking to Ma'an on Wednesday, Zahar, hinting at the possible political line of a future Palestinian unity cabinet, said that recognizing Israel would "preclude the right of the next generations to liberate the lands," wondering: "What will be the fate of the five million Palestinians in the diaspora?"

The Gaza strongman went on to tell Ma'an that Hamas would be willing to recognize a Palestinian state "on any part of Palestine," as opposed to the group's proclaimed aim to form a state from "from the [Jordan] river to the [Mediterranean] sea."

Zahar also referred to the future of Hamas' military truce with Israel, confirming that the movement would continue to honor the cessation of fighting, following a joint decision made with its new Fatah partners. The Hamas leader, however, reiterated that the truce was "part of the resistance not its rejection," adding that a "truce is not peace."

There is an easy way to determine whether this should actually be viewed as a serious commitment to peace, as well as expose those who say that Hamas is more committed to peace than Israel is.

Just imagine if someone like Netanyahu or Liberman said the same words from the Israeli perspective.

Hypothetical Lieberman: "We will be willing to accept a Jewish state temporarily on the 1967 lines, but we will never recognize "Palestine's" right to existence as this would deprive future generations of killing Palestinian civilians en masse in order to achieve Israeli domination over the whole of Eretz Yisrael and with it the expulsion of the vast majority of the Palestinian people. This will be a temporary truce, not a peace treaty, and we reserve the right to return to the armed struggle as and when we see fit. This truce is tactical and part of the resistance to the Palestinians, not a strategic change on our part. We remain committed to the ultimate goal of Eretz Yisrael.

Yeah, I'm sure the people trumpting that "Hamas accepts the two-state solution" and are seeking a peaceful diplomatic solution would see a statement like this from Liberman as evidence of his gentle, peaceful soul. Wouldn't they?

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